About Overlapping Halos

This project is a collaboration between Damaris (Penny Vieregge), Edwin Huizinga, and Deva Munay that was born out of a desire to connect through sound, music, and poetry during the isolation of the pandemic.

Under a flowering plum tree in a Big Sur Canyon, the three of them discovered the interconnectedness which already exists and said — Yes!

On their second meeting on a ranch overlooking the Santa Lucia Mountains, the next concept arrived — Overlapping Halos.

They laughed and nodded — Yes!

The divine intelligence moving through all of creation is sparked by the illumination of creative projects such as Overlapping Halos.

Damaris (Penny) shares the poetry of Hafiz, as translated by Daniel Ladinsky, Edwin improvises on violin, while Deva quietly supports it all with Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls.


(Penny Vieregge) Prodigy, Sum Ergo Amo

Picasso, “It takes a long time to become young.”

“This quote captures Penny — over her 92 years of life she has developed an incredible love of poetry and a beautiful youthful grace. Not only does she have many of Hafiz’s poems memorized, but she has them deep in her soul. 

So much so that her words go beautifully with the music and sound journey. Capturing her voice and presence in this project will create a piece that can be shared for years to inspire both the young and old at heart - teaching us all that age is just a number.” – John Krasznekewicz, director of Action Art

Edwin Huizinga

Violinist & Composer

“I am constantly interested in building a more connected network of artists of all landscapes to be able to work together, and share each other’s brilliant thoughts and creations, in the hopes that it will stimulate growth in our awareness, hold each other accountable in positive ways, and spread deliberate acts of kindness across the globe.”


- Artistic Director, Sweetwater Music Festival
- Baroque and Classical Academy Director
- Carmel Bach Festival
- Acronym Ensemble
- Fiddler, Fire & Grace

Deva Munay

Sacred Sound & Wonder, founder

“I am inspired by the transformational and healing powers of sacred sound to bring our world into a greater state of harmony, peace, and love. Sound has the capacity to move matter and therefore through sound, we have the ability to co-create a world of peace and purpose.” — Deva Munay

“I feel more at peace now than I have for months.” - CH


“I lay my wing as a bridge to you,
so that you can join us singing.”

– Hafiz